Some Health Issues


How To Prevent Getting Diabetes

For a person to prevent getting diabetes they need good health and some luck. There are many ways to make yourself healthy and be less predisposed to getting diabetes, but part of diabetes is genetic also. If you are diagnosed with diabetes and healthy then your likelihood of having to take medication to control it is extremely less likely. Even if you are a person who is health and gets diabetes and must be on medication, the amount of medication you would need would be very low compared to someone who did not take care of their body properly.

Exercise is one of the most important things for your health, especially as an adult.  A person needs to do cardio activity at least three times a week but ideally five to seven days a week. Cardio exercise can be anything from walking, biking, running, hiking, using an elliptical, or using a stair stepper. Cardio exercise gets your blood pumping, your heart working, and all of body just working to its full potential. On top of cardio a person should also do strength training. Strength training is lifting weights, doing exercise with weights, using weight machines, pull-ups, pushups, or any variation of those activities. A person who exercises with both cardio and strength training will have much better odds of never getting diabetes or anything other disease. When your body is active it not only has less fat and more muscle, but it works easier.

Maintaining a healthy diet is the second most important thing for your health. Eating a healthy diet rich is proteins, dairy, good carbs, fruits and vegetables will have your body running more efficiently. When you eat healthy your body does not hold toxins and eliminates food more freely. This helps your sugar stay regulated and the chances of diabetes becomes less and less.

Lastly the most important way to prevent getting diabetes while maintaining a healthy diet and exercising is seeing a doctor yearly for checkups. Yearly checkups from a doctor help nip problems in the butt before they get to the level of diseases or deadly.  These checkups usually take thirty minutes or less and go very smoothly for patient and doctor. Remember when you go to have made a list of any concerns and all tests and or things you want checked on your body. This will let you know possibly what you need to work on as well if a test comes back not as positive if you would like.

Overall it is easy to prevent diabetes once you get into the habit of regular exercise and eating right.  If you are not currently in shape and eating right then that is okay. You can start today and still greatly decrease the risks of ever getting diabetes. The changes can start being made today. Even if you already have diabetes you can make the right decisions now and possibly be taken off medications with healthy eating, regular exercise, and your doctor’s permission to do so.

Something to think about… While prescriptive medications can help you "artificially control" your blood sugar (treat the symptoms), they do nothing to get at the root cause of the disease.

Food for thought… If prescriptive drugs (medications) were the long-term solution for this disease, why is Diabetes now the 4th leading cause of death in the US, and the precursor to many other serious health issues such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and kidney damage? Learn more by Clicking Here!

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