Some Health Issues


Preventing Kids from Getting Diabetes

As a parent one of the most important responsibilities we have in life is protecting our children. This means not only protecting them from external danger but also the internal dangers. Internal dangers for kids can be anything from catching a bad sickness to getting a disease. Although we cannot protect them from everything we can take important steps to make sure they are as health as possible. What is one of the most common diseases children get from not being healthy? This answer is easy, Diabetes.

The first great way to prevent kids from getting diabetes is their nutrition. 
Many foods in the world are horrible. When you walk through the grocery store you will see countless junk food items such as candy, gummy treats, TV dinners, chips, and sugary drinks with cute and fun kid characters. This draws in the child’s eye and the next thing you know they are begging for that item without even know what it is.  It is the responsibility of parents, teachers, and health care providers to teach children that these items are bad and should be eaten very rarely. If kids are taught to eat a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, dairy, and proteins their risks of diabetes is cut in half. These good foods not only keep their body working properly but also help their body build up immunities to bad germs and illnesses around them.

The second great way to prevent kids from getting diabetes is staying active. Kids’ loves to run around and play but often times in-between school, work, and other life activities kids may not be getting all the exercise they need. It is very important for children to be active daily and not stuck in from of teachers or electronics the entire day. A great way to keep kids active is find a sport or active activity they love. Some children may not be able to find a sport they like but they will be able to find an activity that is fun for them like hikes, tree climbing, playing on play sets, role playing, paint ball shooting, or anything that gets them out and moving. The important part is they are out using their body. When children are active they burn off fat and getting their heart pumping. This helps the body to run smoothly and absorb healthy nutrients. When kids are active regularly and learn it young their chances of getting diabetes is lowered significantly.

One can see the best way to prevent diabetes in kids is staying active and maintaining a healthy well balanced diet. It does not matter what the activity is as long as they enjoy it and are sticking with it. When a kid is healthy their chances of getting diabetes at any age is very small and extremely unlikely. If we instill healthy habits in people very young then the older they get they tend to stick with these habits and are healthier adults.

Something to think about… While prescriptive medications can help you "artificially control" your blood sugar (treat the symptoms), they do nothing to get at the root cause of the disease.

Food for thought… If prescriptive drugs (medications) were the long-term solution for this disease, why is Diabetes now the 4th leading cause of death in the US, and the precursor to many other serious health issues such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and kidney damage? Learn more by Clicking Here!

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