Some Health Issues


Weight Loss Helps to Prevent Diabetes

Are you happy with your weight? Could you lose five, ten, twenty, or even hundred pounds or more? Many people around the world would answer that they could lose a few pounds or a lot and be happier with them self. Although being happy with yourself is a good thing, the most important at stake is your health. A person who is overweight has a much higher chance of getting diabetes or any disease. People who are overweight often die younger and have more medical conditions that someone who is the proper weight for their height and leads a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss helps prevent diabetes in many ways. The first is through what you are eating. When you are eating healthy whole foods, vegetables, fruits, appropriate dairy, and protein in the right amounts, a person’s body functions better. If you eat poorly and change your eating habits you will lose weight and feel better. The loss of body weight, especially from your midsection will help prevent diabetes, heart disease, and other nasty illnesses like high blood pressure.

Along with weight loss most people have to have a regular exercise program. This exercise program with weight loss will get your whole body feeling new. This also decreases body fat and increases muscles. When you make good choices your body responds well, the same can be said if you make bad choices then you can expect bad results. To maintain any weight loss even if not loss with exercise it’s good to start an exercise regimen. This regimen will help keep the weight off. If you can get you waist line under 35inches (40inches in males) then you reduce your chance of getting diabetes to almost impossible odds.  So if you are losing weight or have lost weight, break out that tape measure. Measure your body around your waist, neck, midsection, arms, and legs. When you get your measurements you can compare them to charts and see if by measurements if you are overweight. If you are overweight all you have to do is work on exercising and eating right and soon enough your measurements will be at a place to prevent diabetes.

This article may make weight loss sound easy and ultimately it is. The hard part of weight loss is the motivation and dedication. Once you get a good motivation system and are dedicated then you will be surprised just how much weight you can lose. Just keep in mind that you want to be a healthy weight range for your height. Underweight may help your diabetes risk but it will not help your heart or your other organs. So lose weight the right way! When you are at your goal weigh for your height and gender you will feel better than ever. It is an amazing fact to know that not only do you feel better with weight loss you are actually a better person preventing diseases in yourself and possibly others with your motivation.

Something to think about… While prescriptive medications can help you "artificially control" your blood sugar (treat the symptoms), they do nothing to get at the root cause of the disease.

Food for thought… If prescriptive drugs (medications) were the long-term solution for this disease, why is Diabetes now the 4th leading cause of death in the US, and the precursor to many other serious health issues such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and kidney damage? Learn more by Clicking Here!

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This is not your typical report containing a 250 word paragraph and a picture of a salad! It's much more and it contains verifiable information from studies, research and formal results based on weight loss, nutrition and disease prevention you can't afford to miss if you care about your health and body. Learn more by Clicking Here!

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