Some Health Issues


What Should I Eat To Prevent Diabetes?

Diabetes is a huge issue in the United States as well as other countries. There are two types. One type is type one that is non-preventable that children are usually diagnosed with. The second type is type two. Type two most times is caused from unhealthy habits and possibly genetics. Diabetes can be treated effectively but still have complications. The best way to prevent diabetes is to stay active and eat good healthy foods. What are healthy foods? Is there foods I can eat to prevent Diabetes?

There are numerous foods you can eat to prevent diabetes. There are also foods you should avoid to prevent diabetes. How do you balance the two and how do you know if you are eating the right things? Well it is actually quite simple and easy to learn. The first step is being dedicated. You must be dedicated to a healthier eating lifestyle and then you will be well on your way to preventing diabetes in your life.

The foods you should eat to avoid diabetes are actually quite delicious. People often like to say that healthy does not taste good. Healthy is as good as anything else. You just have to prepare those foods right. The best thing to do is eat a balanced diet with veggies, fruits, and good proteins. Good proteins come from eggs, fish, and lean meats and will keep you full for longer. The less cooking and prep on the veggies will provide more nutrition. If you want to eat carbohydrates then that is okay too. Good carbs come from fruit and whole grains. You just need to pick wisely with carbs and not overdo it. A person can even have the occasional sweet and not have any harm be done to their body.

The foods you should avoid eating to prevent diabetes are very obvious. Loading up on high fats and sugary drinks will send you down the road to possible diabetes. These foods and drinks not only negatively affect your sugar but also your heart and other organs. A person may end these items and be thin and think that it means they are okay on diabetes prevention but that is actually completely false. Even if a person is slim and eating the wrong items, they too are on the track to becoming pre-diabetic or even diabetic.

Preventing diabetes with eating right is one of the best decisions anyone can make. Eating the wrong foods is one of the main causes leading up to diabetes. If a person eats right and just adds a little activity into their lifestyle the possibilities of them getting diabetes is very low. So, start eating the right foods today and you can change your life forever in a positive way. When you crave something high in fat or sugar just remember that an occasional treat is fine but eating that way every day will cause you to have negative effects for your entire life.

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Something to think about… While prescriptive medications can help you "artificially control" your blood sugar (treat the symptoms), they do nothing to get at the root cause of the disease.

Food for thought… If prescriptive drugs (medications) were the long-term solution for this disease, why is Diabetes now the 4th leading cause of death in the US, and the precursor to many other serious health issues such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and kidney damage? Learn more by Clicking Here!

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