Some Health Issues


Dental Care For Your Children

Many roles come into play when considering the dental care in your children. Clean, white smooth teeth have the power to make your beautiful personality attractive.  If the teeth aren’t attractive and clean, then one has to face embarrassment and they tend to avoid people.  Kids are very innocent and they don’t know how to take care of their teeth and for this reason, parents have to play their role sincerely. The dental care is important for kids when they first brush their teeth. The very beginning age for the child to brush their teeth is one year. It is the parent’s duty to take care of the dental problems of the child and take them to the dentist for better advice. This visit to the dentist will also helps the parents  to learn facts about dental care, such as information about the diet that a kid must take, helpful directions regarding tooth-brushing technique,  and any advice about sealants and/or fluoride treatments.

The Dental Care For Your Children Starts From The Home

Parents must guide them and help them in selecting the soft tooth brush that doesn’t harm their gums. When the child is six months old, the parents should clean their gums with moist, warm and soft piece of cloth moist because keeping the child’s gums very clean will no doubt provide healthy baby teeth that are going to come in soon. Regular brushing the teeth before sleeping is very crucial for keeping the teeth healthy, white and clean for long term. You have to work hard to get into the habit of brushing the teeth daily at night and twice a day. Many parents are unaware of the importance of clean and healthy gums for the toddlers and infant and they don’t perform their duty .The formula milk or mother’s milk both contains natural sugar that may damage the teeth of your kid. Therefore, it is very essential for the mothers to clean the gums with soft, moist cloth after feeding them.

Diet Means Everything

Now days the biggest factor that are the reason of unhealthy and ill teeth is the diet. The latest research shows that all kind of preserved or  consumption of foods that contain a significantly high amount of sugar, such as sweets, candy, soda, chocolates and  sticky snacks are very harmful for the teeth especially for children. The sugars assist in any growth of bacteria in these foods and start damaging the tooth enamel which lead to many cavities. To avoid all these problems the parents should visit the dentist and take his or her advice. Foods containing fiber are not only good for the health but are also perfect for the teeth and have many benefits when it comes to dental health. When you chew the food like apples, carrots and more like that it helps to strong your teeth and works like mini brush. Hence, to make the dental care of your children well, parents need to play their role.

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